Alcohol Use, Safety and University Policy

From the Desk of David Miles

Too many times, we see incidents that have occurred on campus that are alcohol-related and students die.

The latest is the tragedy at Penn State where a fraternity member, after a night of excessive drinking, fell down a flight of stairs. No one called for help until almost 12 hours later.

My reason for this article is to not to tell you to not drink alcohol. That is a choice that each individual has to make for themselves. This article is to remind everyone that if you do drink, you should be responsible and not drink in excess. To drink to the point where you are unable to make any decisions or remember what happened is never a situation you want to put yourself in.

Since the legal drinking age in New Jersey is 21, this campus decided a number of years ago that it would have dry Residence Halls. This means that no one, including those over the age of 21, is allowed to have alcohol in the Residence Halls.

It is too often that we see many young lives tragically end because of alcohol.

Individuals sometimes drink to excess, mix alcohol with other items or decide to drink and drive.

My message is a simple one: if you choose to drink, you should be responsible and realize that the choices you make could end up being tragic.

As the person responsible for the safety of all individuals on the campus, I want you to imagine what parents and campus administrators feel after receiving the call that a child and student died.

This is a call that no one should have to receive.

Please remember to like the Department of Public Safety on Facebook at FDU Metro Department of Public Safety or follow us on Twitter @FDUMetroPS.

If at any time you have any concerns or questions regarding any crime prevention information or general information on Public Safety, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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